Updation/Data Collection for “WSSP GIS-Based Assets Inventory Database/Dashboard”
Urbanization is putting pressure on civic services in cities including water and sanitation. The city of Peshawar has grown many times in size and population (from 1.5 million in 1998 to 3.2 million in 2017 as per Census Data), initially due to the influx of Afghan Refugees and subsequently Internally Displaced People (IDP’s), the infrastructure was overburdened and got deteriorated. Citizens are getting intermittent water supply, wastewater is discharging into water bodies without any treatment, and heaps of solid waste can be seen laying on the streets. These serve as breeding ground for mosquitos and flies. The situation gets further exacerbated due to aging infrastructure. Limited financial resources, high need of infrastructure and expectation of customers need a balancing act to satisfy citizens.
The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) is cognizant of “Water Sector” (water resources, drinking water and sanitation) importance and its improvement is one of the key priorities of the government. The government has also shown its commitment to drinking water sector by approving Provincial Drinking Water Policy in 2015 and iNATRoducing institutional reforms in the drinking water and sanitation sectors. The policy commits to improve access, as per Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), through financing and institutional reforms.
Master Plan 2014:
In 2014, an Integrated Water, Sanitation & SWM Master Plan (hereinafter referred as MP2014) was developed with USAID funding that had a planning horizon of 2032. This project was funded under the USAID Municipal Services Program and involved planning and engineering services for Master Plan in Peshawar for drinking water, sanitation/ storm water and solid waste services. Salient features of this project included: a planning horizon of 20 years i.e. until the year 2032, covering 67 union councils of district Peshawar comprising of 45 urban and 22 rural union councils. Broad objectives of the project included: a thorough study of existing conditions and performance of utilities infrastructure; evaluation of financial and institutional capacities of utility organizations; and providing recommendations for future investments in the planned system to improve the quality of services to meet the targeted needs.
Updation/Data Collection for “WSSP GIS-Based Assets InventoryDatabase/Dashboard”:
WSSP has developed a GIS-Based Assets inventory database/dashboard (Python Django framework & Backend is in Postgress) for all assets i-e water supply network, tube wells, drainage system, sewer lines, overhead reservoirs, sewerage treatment plant, filtration plants, and solid waste management.
The available data is already incorporated into the system, and this is geo tagged, but it needs verification and updation. If the available data is incomplete then it will be collected and this will involve (geo tagging) physical identification (map, condition, verification) of assets within the operational area of WSSP (65 UCs) to complete the asset database.
Glimpses of Field Visits (WSSP Project):