IMSciences Scholarships / Grants / Financial Aid

IMSciences has been continuously working alongside international development organizations, corporate sector and donor agencies to provide equal higher education opportunities to the marginalized communities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa specifically and the country at large. The aim of strengthening Institute in resource generation is to facilitate and meet the increased expectations of financially constrained but talented current and prospective students of the Institute. The Institute encourages such students by providing real time financial aid opportunities in quality higher education and enables them with updated skills and knowledge to play their role in the regional and national development of our country.

IMSciences have maintained beneficial and transparent Corporate Foundation Relations (CFRs) with significant number of stake holders including Development Sector, Corporate Sector, IOs, NGOs, Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Government of Pakistan, National and International Foundations and Partner Universities. These organizations include but not limited to USAID, Afghan/Pak Conflict Prevention Pool Political Section, British High Commission Department for International Development (DFID), Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), AusAID,  French Govt, USEFP, Singapore Govt, FATA Secretariat, Khushhali Bank Limited (KBL), Bank of Khyber (Bok), Meezan Bank Limited (MBL), Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), Multi Donor Post Disaster / Conflict Financial Aid, Chief Minister Endowment Fund (CMEEF), Govt of KPK as well as the Prime Minister Underdeveloped Areas and Ehsaas Scholarship Projects.

Last year, IMSciences funded a significant number of students who had financial constraints and were unable to continue their education. In Financial Year 2022-23, approximately a total of 1,671 students which is 57 % of the total strength, has been provided financial support worth Rs. 237 Million, in 19 different Fully Funded Need and Merit Based Scholarship Programs, Merit Based Scholarships for Talented Students, Interest Free Student Loans, Siblings Fee Rebate, Work Study Programs and Global Cultural Exchange Programs.

Scholarships / Financial Aid Categories:

The Institute offers a comprehensive portfolio of financial aid / scholarships as per the following categories.

1. Fully Funded Need Based Merit Scholarship Programs:

These scholarship programs are mostly funded by the International Donor Organizations, Govt Sector, Corporate Foundations as well as Development Sector. These scholarships cover 100 % tuition fee support, accommodation, travelling, books and incidental charges for the whole duration of the study program.

2. Merit Based Scholarship Programs for Talented Students:

These scholarship programs are funded by IMSciences own resources and are awarded in all study programs to the top 10 % students of the total strength. They are provided with 65 to 75 % of tuition fee relaxation for the whole degree program.

There is another merit scholarship program which is semester wise and purely based on merit and these awards are granted to the most intelligent students of IMSciences who demonstrate their intellectual capabilities and achieve the maximum GPA in each Semester.

3. Fee Rebate Programs:

The Institute also offers attractive Fee Rebate Programs such as Sibling Fee Rebates, Selective Undergraduate and all MS Level Fee Rebate Programs etc.

4. Interest Free Student Loan Schemes:

The Institute has signed MoU with the Ihsan Trust Karachi (Meezan Bank Limited) and also students can avail interest free student loans to continue their studies at the Institute. Apart from this, students can also avail the National Bank Student Loan Scheme.

5. International Cultural Exchange Programs:

There has been a significant increase in the number international cultural exchange programs and their beneficiary students at the Institute as follows.

  • Mevlana Student Exchange Program funded by Govt of Turkey
  • USEFP Global UGRAD Leadership Exchange Programme to USA
  • USEFP Global UGRAD Comparative Public Policy Exchange Programme to USA
  • USEFP Global UGRAD Pakistan North East South Asia Education Exchange Programme (NESA)
  • USEFP Global UGRAD Pakistan Student Exchange Women Leadership Programme
  • SUSI – Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders
  • French Govt Cultural Exchange Program
  • Mahvash and Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation and Sajjad Foundation (Singapore) sponsored Summer Program on Economic and Enterprise Development in National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Global Internship Program at Timisoara (Romania)
  • AIESEC Internship in Columbia
  • AIESEC Nepal Global Volunteers Program
6. Work Study Programs:

Under these programs a noticeable number of students are involved in on campus job opportunities during their student lives. They are not only associated as internees with different Functional Departments and Development Centers of the Institute but also they get financial benefit and exposure by contributing towards some well known Socio Economic and Development Projects of the Institute. One of the latest examples is IM | Durshal which is a collaboration between Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar and KPITB (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board). It is an incubation program for tech-entrepreneurs in KP, Pakistan.

7. Charity Begins at Home – Prof. Dr. Hidayatullah Need Based Merit Scholarship Program:

It was 31st March 2011, when the Director IM|Sciences approved the faculty funded need based scholarship program to be named after the first Director of the Institute Prof. Dr. Hidayatullah (late), whose vision was to establish an exemplary management Institute at the doorstep to Central Asia.

The purpose of this financial aid program was to consider all those needy students who were in the mid of their studies and were confronted with unforeseen circumstances like death of guardian, life threatening diseases, selling of family property or ornaments for medical expenses. These targeted needy students were always in search of prompt financial aid support and they often have missed the scholarships which are normally announced at the time of admission. As at that time they were not in such a need for financial assistance.

Charity begins at home stands right as all the faculty members generously contribute on monthly basis towards this valuable financial aid program, and till it’s commencement a total of 124 students have been provided tuition fee support for continuing their higher education, amounting Rs. 6,202,940/-. This initiative has been praised by the senior authorities of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan as well as different Vice Chancellors of Partner Universities.