To ensure that the Library continues to provide smooth, efficient and problem-free services to its members, the IMSciences Library Committee has been constituted to monitor its working and operations. This Committee is headed by the Joint Director with other members nominated by the Director. Three members including the Convener of the Committee will form the quorum for a meeting of the Committee. The Committee has the following functions:
a. Advise the Director on all matters relating to the Library.
b.Recommend the purchase of books exceeding rupees twenty thousand in one lot.
c. Recommend the subscription to journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers etc. whether available in print or online.
d. Suggest to the competent authorities regarding writing off the obsolete and redundant stock of books and other reading materials, and recommend the disposal thereof.
e. Review the annual library stock verification report and recommend to the competent authority suitable action thereon.
f. look into any general complaint of the members and suggest/take necessary action as it deems fit.