Business & Economic Review
The B&ER is devoted to the publication of papers that advance knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of management, economics, and social sciences. B&ER welcomes empirical to conceptual and review papers with strong methodology from the mentioned disciplines.
The Journal aims to provide a focus for worldwide expertise in the required techniques, practices, and areas of research; present a forum for readers to share common experience across the full range of industries and sectors in which business and economic research are conducted.
Business and Economic Review welcomes papers in the areas of:
- Management,
- Economics,
- Social Sciences.
- EconLit
- Gale – Cengage Learning
- CrossRef
- ProQuest
- Ulrich Directory
- Index Copernicus
- Genamics JournalSeek
- Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
Authors should submit articles to the journal at the following email address All articles undergo a blind-peer-review process prior to acceptance.
Open Access
B&ER is an open access journal. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal can be read online without any form of restriction.