The Semester System
The scheme of courses and the rules and regulations of IMSciences have been designed to meet international standards. All programs of study at the IMSciences are run under a rigorous semester system. The performance of students is evaluated through a continuous testing procedure spread over the entire period of studies. In each semester three monthly and one comprehensive exam are held. Semester system education enables a student to be successful in nowadays fast and challenging world. Students are kept busy and working with constant home assignments, surprise quizzes and several presentations. One of the most important features of semester system is that it is a gradual and systematic way of studying. Each semesterleads in to the other; that is, the first semester starts with the basics of courses and slowly the courses become advanced as the semesters move toward the final ones.
a. Attendance
Every student of the Institute is required to maintain at least 80% attendance in each course. A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements of attendance in any course will not be allowed to take final examination for that course(s). The 20% margin of absence has been allowed to cover the absence from the classes due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances. All events such as seminars, special lab work, guest speakers’ discourse, etc. requiring attendance may be adjusted to cover shortage in attendance in the related subject. Students short of the prescribed attendance level in any course(s) shall be considered Fail in that course(s) and his/her CGPA/GPA will be calculated accordingly.
It is the responsibility of the students to constantly monitor their attendance over the course of the semester.
b. Evaluation and Grading
The performance of students will be evaluated through a continuous testing system throughout the semester. In addition to the final examination that carries forty percent of the total marks, there will be a number of tests, term papers, assignments, presentations and short quizzes. Hourly examinations will be administered every month and students are required to appear in any three such examinations for each course in a semester (the two best scores will add to the final grade). A number of surprise quizzes will be given during classes to monitor the day to day progress of the students. Moreover, the performance of students in class discussions, written assignments, research reports etc., will be evaluated to include in the overall grade. If the evaluation and grading requirements are not met within this time limit, the student would be graded ‘Fail’ on that course. No “Make Up’ examination will be allowed in any course under any circumstances. A Grade Point Average (GPA) will be computed at the end of the course for all students. Final letter grades in each course will be converted to grade points.
c. GPA Requirements
Students must maintain a minimum GPA/CGPA of 2.2 on a cumulative basis during the course of their academic program. Students with a GPA/CGPA of less than 2.0 will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute forthwith. Students securing a GPA/CGPA between 2.0 and 2.2 will be on probation for one semester. At the end of the semester, students on probation will be required to improve their GPA/CGPA to a minimum of 2.2. If a student on probation shows an improvement, but his/her CGPA is still below 2.2 his/her probation may be extended for another semester. Otherwise the student will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute. If a student fails certain courses but manages to maintain the required GPA/CGPA, he/she may be allowed to repeat and clear the course(s) or substitute(s) (wherever permissible) before the degree is awarded. The GPA is computed as follows: Sum of (credit hours x grade point) ÷ Sum of Credit hours For Project/Dissertation, the evaluation of a student will be based on (a) Project Report/Dissertation submitted by the
student and (b) performance in Viva Voce.
d. Semester Resgistration
After the commencement of comprehensive exam towards the close of the semester, one week is given off to the students where in they are required to register themselves in the forthcoming semester. The students are supposed to fill up the registration form and submit the same in their respective program offices along with the bank receipt for the payment of fees. The attendance of students failing semester registration will not be marked.
Sum of (credit hours x grade point) ÷ Sum of Credit hours
For Project/Dissertation, the evaluation of a student will be based on (a) Project Report/Dissertation submitted by the student and (b) performance in Viva Voce.
Grade |
Marks (%) |
Grade Points |
Remarks |
A+ |
91-100 |
4.0 |
Outstanding |
A |
87-90 |
4.0 |
Excellent |
B+ |
80-86 |
3.5 |
V. Good |
B |
72-79 |
3.0 |
Good |
C+ |
66-71 |
2.5 |
Satisfactory |
C |
60-65 |
2.0 |
Pass |
F |
Below 60 |
0.0 |
Fail |
e. Semester Committee
The Semester Committee prepares the semester schedule and the coordinators ensure strict adherence to it. All matters requiring guidance in respect of semester schedule, conducting of tests, examinations, and the problems of the students relating to evaluation will initially be referred by the concerned teacher to the Programme Coordinator who, if he deems fit, will refer them to the Semester Committee for final decision. The semester committee can also take up a matter on its own for examining and taking decisions thereon.
f. Migration
The admission to any degree programme of IMSciences through migration from any other institute/ university is not allowed under any circumstances.
g. General
All notices, communications, orders etc regarding students or any other issue pertaining to students of IMSciences are displayed on the Notice Boards conveniently located in the main hallways. Ignorance of information on the part of students does not amount to a valid explanation for IMSciences or any of its officials. The Institute reserves the right to offer a specialization course subject to the availability of ppropriate number of students, i.e. ten or more.
h. Academic Calendar
The staff and students of the Institute strictly adhere to the academic calendar announced by the Institute for different programmes of studies.
i. Freezing of Programme
Students are allowed to freeze their pro-gramme of study if they can not continue due to unavoidable circumstances. However, this option can only be exercised after completion of the first semester. Moreover, students on probation are not eligible for freezing of the programme.
j. Withdrawal from a Course
A student will be allowed to withdraw only one course in a semester, if this withdrawal can help students in improving his/her performance. Such withdrawal can be made within ten days after commencement of the Semester. Withdrawal from a subject will not be treated as a failure. However, if a student attends classes more than ten days he/she will not be allowed to withdraw from the subject and shall be assigned “Grade F”.
k. Fee Refund Policy
A student deciding to withdraw from the Institute will be refunded the full semester dues within the first seven days from the commencement of classes. A request for withdrawal in the second week after the commencement of classes will be refunded 50% of the semester dues. Any request for withdrawal after the second week will only be refunded the security fee.
l. Additional Specialization
Additional specialization will be based on 1 year (2 semesters). Only those students of the Institute will be eligible to apply for an additional specialization whose minimum CGPA is 3.5 in MBA. The Institute will not offer more than one specialization to a student at one time. During a semester five elective courses will be offered. Each course will be of 3 Credit
Hours. The Institute will not issue any separate degree for additional specialization. However, a separate Transcript and
Certificate will be issued for the additional specialization. Students willing to take an additional specialization may enroll themselves for the required electives as and when these are offered in a regular semester. Additional specializations will be offered only under the ‘Regular Program Scheme’. However, special semester may be arranged after analyzing its costs and benefits.
m. Award of Gold Medal/Distinction Certificate
Graduating students fulfilling the followingcriterion in their respective degree programs will be eligible to earn the Medals/Distinction Certificates as under: 1st Position: Gold Medal (with Distinction Certificate) 2nd Position: Silver Medal (with Distinction Certificate)
Other terms & conditions for the award of Medals/Distinction Certificates are as under:
1. Students admitted into a particular degree program in a particular year/session will compete as one group irrespective of the sections or morning/evening distinction.
2. The recipient’s CGPA must not be less than 3.5 at the end of the program.
3. The recipients should not have secured less than “B” grade in any semester during the course of the degree program.
4. Distinction Certificate/Medal will be awarded on the aggregate result of all the semesters necessary for completion of the degree program and not for any particular semester separately.
4. The recipients must not have failed or repeated any course during the program and should have completed the degree within the minimum prescribed time period.
6. In case of the same CGPA (up to two decimal places) the matter will be decided on the basis of highestpercentage of marks scored by a
7. Students appearing for improvement will not be eligible for the award of Medal/Distinction Certificate
Graduating students fulfilling the followingcriterion in their respective degree programs will be eligible to earn the Medals/Distinction Certificates as under: 1st Position: Gold Medal (with Distinction Certificate) 2nd Position: Silver Medal (with Distinction Certificate)
Other terms & conditions for the award of Medals/Distinction Certificates are as under:
1. Students admitted into a particular degree program in a particular year/session will compete as one group irrespective of the sections or morning/evening distinction.
2. The recipient’s CGPA must not be less than 3.5 at the end of the program.
3. The recipients should not have secured less than “B” grade in any semester during the course of the degree program.
4. Distinction Certificate/Medal will be awarded on the aggregate result of all the semesters necessary for completion of the degree program and not for any particular semester separately.
4. The recipients must not have failed or repeated any course during the program and should have completed the degree within the minimum prescribed time period.
6. In case of the same CGPA (up to two decimal places) the matter will be decided on the basis of highestpercentage of marks scored by a
7. Students appearing for improvement will not be eligible for the award of Medal/Distinction Certificate
n. Conversion of Marks Obtained in Semester System to Conventional System for Admission
For setting the difference of marks between the conventional and semester systems, the marks obtained in the semester system will be multiplied by a factor of 0.9.
o. Disposal of Old Answer Books
The answer books of all the exams will be disposed off after one year of the completion of degree.